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So the dreadful Step 1 is over. Well it was over on Thursday. I spent this amazing past weekend enjoying the city with great food and company. Today is sunny. And for the first time since a long time ago I am standing in the sunshine soaking it all in, letting the warm feeling flow through me. I can't stop smiling. Work hard and play hard. It is pure, beautiful magic.Thanks to all the friends, family, and fellow medical students who sent me words of encouragement when I was feeling scared, anxious, nervous. With your support I made it over another obstacle, even though it is only one of the many to come. But you know, I am not scared. I know I have it in me. And I know you have it in you. Also we have one another. What is there to be scared of? Strength is a form of energy and it definitely transforms depending on the temperature of the situation. But it will always be strength.I am still a bit antsy, knowing that my score is still yet to come out. But I am not going to hold back and prevent myself from enjoying my much-deserved free time! Yes, I am a med student and I put myself through what may seem like unreasonable torture. But the reason behind my behaviour comes through once in a while. It is the ultimate release that keeps me pushing my limits. And I love it.No regrets.
Monday, cloudy with showers. But I feel calm. This could be the calm before the storm but for now I am at complete ease. Gonna try to just go over some of my weaker areas between now and, well, wednesday. And will be taking Wednesday off before I do the exam on Thursday.I don't feel completely ready for this exam. But I don't think I had ever felt entirely ready for any exams in my life. However, I feel that I have done all the studying I could so far and my brain is starting to get tired. That is how I know it's time for me to do the exam.Will go running later today to keep my mind relaxed and fresh :) Have a good Monday everyone!
Alright, alright... this countdown is a bit too fast! At least that is what it feels like to me. On one hand I am excited that I will be ending my miserable mad studying for a few weeks... on the other? Well, ask the nerves. I spoke with a friend who just took her Step 1 a few days ago. Talk about envy! I was feeling it... hahaha I just want this OVER with. But of course, I still need to do well. This is an exam that you can't just say 'I don't care' to.I am consciously suppressing my thoughts that involuntarily drift towards holiday planning... Yeah, there will be so much free time after I finish this exam and I will be having my vacation while everyone else is working! Even though it's not summer I think I will be on cloud nine.Lately I have been just going over blocks and blocks of questions since I have finished reading the texts. Lots to learn it feels like... never enough time. What is new?? Hahaha the typical medical student mentality. Anyhow, gotta rest and continue tmr! Good nite world.