It's been crazy for the past 2 weeks (or more?). Actually, when is it NOT crazy here? Mini 2 is in 4 days and this one is hurting already... DPS is not on this Mini yet we have never had so much material to study for. Speaking of cramming, I wish I refined that skill to perfection in undergrad hahaha. Oh well. Three nights ago we had a thunder storm at around 1:00am. It was so loud that my house was shaking. The lightning would light up the room completely that for a second it felt like daylight. I was quite terrified by the loud noise, worsened by the fact that I was by myself without Miho to cuddle with me. To calm myself down I just got up and put on some jazz music and cranked it up loud enough to drown out some of the thundering. Then I studied till 5:00am and passed out. Yeah this week has been rough.
Yet, my heart always gets lifted by the rainbow after the storm. Dominica has some big bright rainbows. Here is a photo to share with y'all (taken through my dirty window), though it looked more beautiful and breathtaking in real life.
I have significantly cut down on my gym time for the last few weeks (once a week only!). Sigh... that I still need to work on. Balance balance balance. If only it is as easy as spelling out this 7-letter word. Ok back to studying... can't wait for my full 8-hr sleep on Monday night. Hope everyone is doing well :)