Hirschsprung's disease is due to the lack of Auerbach's plexus in between the two muscle layers of muscularis externae in the bowel wall. It is also referred to as congenital megacolon. Some regions of the large intestine are permanently contracted due to the absence of relaxation signals from the parasympathetic ganglia, forming dilatations upstream of the contraction. This disrupts the normal pattern of peristalsis.
Anyhow, school has been going well. Very interesting material yet a LOT of work. I am slaving away everyday at the books but happily doing so. My Mini I went really well, to my surprise. I actually got better grades than I did in Semester I! Oh boy... of course I am not complaining. Just working away for the next exam this Friday.
My partner that was TA-ing with me officially quit. I told the students that I am willing to do TA sessions for them still if they need me - just need to send me an email in advance. Then earlier this week I received some emails in my inbox requesting for TA sessions. And that is scheduled for today in 2 hours. I really enjoy tutoring and I am so happy about all the positive feedback I have been getting from the students! That is what I wanted - not so much the positive feedback but the fact that I am helping them understand the course material and making their lives easier in med school. It is an amazing feeling that is hard to explain.
Anyhow I'd better get some of my own work done and then go wake myself up some more... Love to everyone! Enjoy life 'cause it is great from just about every angle.
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