There was a meteor shower last night, or perhaps I should say early this morning at around 4:00am. But I was told that it was going to happen at 1:00am - so I studied till 2am but saw nothing. Then my body just made me goto bed instead. Anyhow, it's been a while since I wrote here! School has been keeping me nice and busy, more or less. However, last Saturday I did have a really great experience to share with y'all.
The Neuroscience Club had their regular health clinic in Rosseau. Since I didn't sign up for it last semester due to fear of not having enough time to study, I made sure (with the 'convincing' of my friends) that I sign up for this one. I just needed to do something else other than studying. Basically all the volunteers who signed up for this clinic were going to help out at the free health fair for the locals. The bus ride was rough - it took about 50 minutes but it felt like 2 hrs and my stomach was getting upset from all the bumps and turns. But the clinic experience made it all worthwhile. I checked blood pressure, blood glucose, and explained exam results to the locals who came. Okay, I won't bore you guys with the details... There is one incidence though that I have to tell you! I was at the blood pressure desk and two ladies came over with their little kids. One boy really wanted me to take his blood pressure but we were not prepared for children so I only had an adult-sized cuff. Just as I was feeling disappointed a friend took out a cuff for kids from his bag! Oh how excited we were, especially the little boy. I got the cuff on him and explained to him what I was going to do. Then when I started pumping, the needle on the pressure guage did not move at all! It was broken...We couldn't take the boy's pressure after all. The ladies smiled and said it was alright and they left. But two minutes later they were back and the mother said his son would not leave without having his blood pressure taken. She gave me a wink and I knew exactly what she meant... so I took the kids pressure cuff, put on his tiny arm and explained to him the procedure again and took his 'blood pressure'. It was great to see him smile and leave the building happily. When I came back home I could not forget about how such a small gesture made such a big difference :)
Well, now after all that fun is over it is back to studying. Awesome...
hehe, kids are cute.
ReplyDeleteNo meteor showers over here - just the regular wet stuff. Semester's almost over!