Sorry for disappearing for two entire weeks! I had just survived the hell week yesterday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we had our cumulative finals in all 6 subjects. Let me tell you... it was outrageously challenging both physically and mentally.
The first exam was on Tuesday and included Histology and Physiology. I actually did not study for Histology AT ALL going into the final, hoping that I really did know Histo as well as I thought I did. Fortunately they were easy on us in the Histo section of the exam. For Physiology I only reviewed Cardiac Phys from last semester and banked on my memory for the rest of Physio. The only reason why I could do that was because I went into the final with pretty good grades in Physio. Our professor who taught most of our Physiology this semester was a really great teacher. He definitely knew his subject inside out, was very receptive to our questions and gave clear explanations. Sadly he is leaving Ross after this semester. I talked to him briefly yesterday as he was rushing to get some things sorted out before his departure. He said he actually liked the island and he had mixed feelings about going back home. Next semester he will come back here for one week to just teach reproductive physiology. My thoughts? It is rare to have professors like that these days - wants to teach, likes to teach, enjoys life, and approachable.
So 8am on Tuesday I sat for Histo/Physio cumulative. Finished the exam relatively early but EXTREMELY tired and hungry afterwards. 160 questions in total - longest exam so far in Ross. Good thing I ate right before the exam so at least I didn't get hunger pangs like some of my friends. That would be an awful feeling especially during an exam. When I finished the exam I went home and ate lunch, not having time to actually take a satisfying break due to the next exam at 1pm the next day. That was a slightly terrifying exam because it was Anatomy. Interestingly Anatomy was not all this scary before but this semester the questions seemed to be more difficult than they were for previous semesters and a lot of students are struggling to stay above the MPS for it. I made sure I slept for 5 hrs the night before and did some final reviewing. The exam itself was alright, with some challenging questions here and there. But Neuro was harder for me than Anat because I didn't allot a lot of time studying for Neuro. Again that was because I went into the final with decent grades. Hoping for the best!
The last exam included Biochemistry and DPS, the most dreaded combo for the entire class! I had about 16hrs between the the second final and this one and I was completely exhausted after the Anat/Neuro final. Even though I tried to study for Biochem my mind just couldn't function efficiently. Fortunately I started reviewing for Biochem and DPS long ago. I decided to goto bed early but was way too excited about finishing the exam that I couldn't fall asleep!! Haha... oh dear. Anyhow, I woke up at 4am after some sleep to do some final studying. I was really calm going into the exam, maybe mostly numb and tired. But the exam was alright. Now I can relax and wait for the grades.
More importantly, I am going home on Sunday :) Can't wait for some family/friends time and SNOW! Hello, Vancouver - ready or not, here I come!
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