It has been a struggle to wake up for the past 2 weeks in the morning. Apparently this is what a burn-out feels like and it will not get better from this point on (according to a 4th semester friend). Despite all this insanity, I have been making myself go to the gym at least twice a week. We'll see how long that is going to last. My body has been protesting against my long study days... BIG time, to the point where I couldn't ignore it anymore.
Our second Mini is in 12 days. Where did all the time go??? Really. I do not understand. Wish things would slow down a little so I could rest a bit. The second year of med school is so miserable, in all honesty, even though the content is amazingly interesting. Of course it is always 'so much to do and so little time x 1,000,000,000'. A very inspirational friend just got matched with her residency program recently! I am so proud and happy for her as I know EXACTLY how painful and difficult it is to get through all these years of torture. At the same time I am very envious and can't wait to be able to celebrate that wonderful moment myself. Must get through this...
On March 17 I will be singing at the school's talent show with a friend on the acoustic guitar. That will be a nice distraction from all the unhealthy study habits.
I miss Vancouver and wish I was home for the Olympic craze. 'Nuff said. Back to studying till my brain farts. G'night everyone!
ps. I put up Miho's picture because he just looks SO FUNNY in this photo... perhaps a little too serious??
He looks like the MGM Lion~~