The break has been treating me well. I have been indulging in endless sleep. It is wake up, and going right back to bed. My body automatically wakes at around 6 45am everyday. But at least I could go back to sleep without feeling guilty. And that, my friend, is what awesomeness feels like. The rainy days are starting to arrive. Somewhat refreshing as the heat dissipates. But I am not so used to walking around with an umbrella any more. Gotta get back into it again.
Many first semesters have arrived one after another. Today is their orientation day with a fantastic BBQ following immediately in the evening. Of course, expect me there (where the free food is). Time went by fast. It has already been a year and a few days since I started here at Ross. I have been chatting with some first semesters who were excited, nervous, unsure about what was going to happen. And that reminds me of my first days here - the beginning of an adventure. Like any adventure, I told them, you just need to have an open heart and be prepared to test your limits. Afterall, there is a reason why they are called adventures.
4th semester is just around the corner and half way through it we will get to decide which site we would like to apply for: Michigan, Miami, or Dominica. Like I have mentioned before, Miami is also the default - ie. if you did not get picked by your preferred site, you will be automatically admitted by the site in Miami. Many people, however, apply for Miami to begin with (like some of my friends who are into urban life and hot weather). Don't blame them. Some of them really miss their BMWs and giant flat screen TVs ;) I think I will be tutoring again. I debated about it for a couple of days but then figured that I'd probably be unhappy and empty if I opt out of it. And what is the purpose of all this studying here if I am unhappy? Question answered.
Before I head to the BBQ tonite I am going to sell some of my books again. Missing my family and friends in Vancouver but also loving Dominica :) Good luck to everyone in whatever you are trying to achieve! Just keep on moving!
All I got to say is - sooo jealous - especially after reading "But I am not so used to walking around with an umbrella any more. Gotta get back into it again." I hate you :P