Friday, July 16, 2010

Light? Darkness?

Quick update before I hit the books again...

Our 4th semester banquet is tomorrow at 5pm. Me and my 3 musician friends are going to practice one last time before we head over to Fort Shirley (location of banquet) to set up. I am kinda excited but kinda not - due to the HUGE amount of material to learn for this mini AND ICM practical coming up. Sigh... I almost wanted to skip out on the banquet. But decided against it... this probably will be the last time that all (most) of my classmates are together, until graduation anyway.

Also, I am still waiting on a few apartments in Michigan to respond back to my questions...

Back to studying!


  1. Good luck!

    I always read your posts, but don't comment, until now. :)

  2. Thanks :) It was an interesting night!


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tardive dyskinesia

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