Saturday, November 6, 2010

1 month...

Had a crazy week, which is going to continue into the following week as well. Perhaps all the way till the semester ends now. But I can do it! :) I had my OB/GYN rotation on Wednesday and it was great! Got a bit nervous but hid it well. With the help of the OB I did a decent pelvic and breast exam on my patient. It was quite an experience - enjoyed the fact that I could put my book knowledge into practice.

It is getting really cold here in Saginaw. However, it has not snowed yet. Soon though - that's what the weather man said. My thickest winter jacket almost feels as if it's too thin! The coldness just gets into my bones...

I learned a new song on guitar during my non-study hours. If You Want Me by Marketa. I am finally getting somewhat comfortable with singing and playing at the same time. It does not help though that I am no guitar pro... ;) Also went out for dinner with a couple of friends from my class. It was great. I love our offside comments to each other and random sarcasm blended in with casual conversations.

I believe my flu clinic is coming up this next Wednesday at which I will be administering flu shots for people. That should be interesting as it will be my first time sticking needles in real human beings.

Alright I should get back to my papers... good nite y'all!


  1. Please be gentle when administering flu shots... they sting!

  2. We have a flu shot clinic coming up on this wednesday as well. Crazy. I'm a 2nd year in Texas. Nice to "meet" you. :)

  3. Jade... I will be very very gentle!

    Danielle, good for you :) I'm sure it'll be a fun experience for both of us. Let me know how it goes!


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