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Finally I am only a few steps away from completing my student visa application. After a few visits at the police department, I finally got the holy stamp from one of their staff members. It was a rather interesting experience. The first time I went in to put in a request for a criminal record check was years ago, and it was for a volunteer position. But I for some reason do recall that they sealed the document in an envelope for me and had me pass that on to my supervisor. However, this time when I tried to get them to seal and stamp the original criminal record check papers, I was told that they only had 'RCMP envelopes' and did not normally seal documents or stamp envelopes for people who put in requests like mine. Really? I was pretty surprised. You would think that doing a criminal record check for school would be a common phenomenon? Maybe I am wrong. Anyway, I went back the next day with my own regular envelopes and asked them to stamp the seal. And, without too much trouble, they did.
So now I just need to wait for my doctor's appointment on Monday and get probed and pinched. Then ta-da! I am hoping to get everything mailed out by Tuesday next week. And that would be the end of my paperwork... for now. The rest of April would then be stress-free and dedicated to packing!
I am looking at my darling kitty Miho right now and he is napping. While I am gone I will be missing him so much. I will miss his unconditional love and attention, his company - in my lap or near my feet, his heart-melting meows, his clear big eyes, and his soft paws and fur. I hope time goes by fast and I can finish the roughest semesters quickly so Miho can be with me again. Before that time comes, he will be in the care of my parents. My mom is growing increasingly attached to Miho day by day. Yesterday she said she thinks about Miho when she is at work or on her way home! Everyday she worries about whether Miho has eaten enough. Oh I just love my mom!
Well, after all the consideration on the last single apartment, I ended up finding a better place with the help of another friend! The picture on the left is a small icon from the the web page. But I will take better photos once I get there to show you what the rooms and surroundings look like. This apartment is a 3-bedroom suite on the second floor. My friend told me yesterday, just before I was going to the bank to get a money order for the first landlord, that her friends were looking for a third roommate for their apartment. Apparently the two girls she was talking about had already decided to live there starting in May and they were just missing one more person... How strange is the timing! Anyway I spoke with the landlord, who seemed very thorough and kind on the phone, and told her I would like to reserve that room after asking her some questions about the building and facilities. Honestly that place looks like a resort... That is a good thing I suppose? The only 'down' side is that instead of 5 mins away from campus, this place is 10 mins away from campus. Well, I don't really mind that at all. Walking is good. If I can't walk it, then I will run it! That certainly will be satisfying. Anyway, so I paid the deposit yesterday for the place. That is another biggie settled.
Now, my forgetful mind has been causing me nothing but troubles. I still remember the time when I went to get my passport renewed in the downtown office. After spending 20 minutes looking for nearby parking space, I finally found a meter that was about to expire soon. But of course, I was unaware of that at the time. Then I ran to the passport office, which was located in an obscure corner in the Sinclair Centre, and stood in the long line up. Looking at my watch I realized that I probably didn't have enough time to finish the procedure, if I still wanted to get to work on time... But maybe I could just call work and let them know I would be a bit late due to important passport issues. Well, when I reached for my prepared documents, I realized I had all but one thing missing - my passport photos!! Anyway, it was funny and frustrating at the same time. The plus side of all this was that I got to work on time.
Yesterday when I went to the doctor's, my forgetful mind kicked in again! And I left a few important documents on my desk, begging to be taken away. Well, I was going to. Ultimately I couldn't get all the things done due to some missing information so I had to make another appointment with the doctor. The good thing is that my school advisor delayed the deadline for me by a few days. Otherwise I would be in deep doo-doo.
Today should be smooth coasting, I hope. I got nothing but running and work on my agenda :)
Finally I made up my mind and chose one of the million apartments listed on the Ross Housing website. It is a one bedroom apartment with one bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. A friend of mine who is also attending Ross kindly went to see the place for me. He said it was not very spacious but otherwise decent. I am okay with a small place to live in, especially when it's close to campus, relatively cheaper than many others, and allows me to have 'me' time. None of the apartments have built-in washer/dryer. But there are many laundry facilities nearby and apparently most of them do deliver! How sweet... I already can't wait to move in and get my desk and bedroom organized before school starts! Let's get reading! Oh another dork moment...
Today my plan is to go see my family physician and have her fill out a part of my visa application where my health status needs clarification. Fortunately I actually really like this doctor I have been seeing. She is very patient and very kind to every patient of hers yet never loses her professionalism. I hope she remains this way. By going to see her for some of my own problems in the past, I have gained some medical knowledge myself - thanks to her ever-so-patient and simplified explanations.
After talking to my friend at Ross, I have made a list of things that I should get in Vancouver before I leave for Dominica. And I am not working today so I should use my time wisely and get as much done as possible! Maybe I will even visit the police if I have extra time! Alright ciao!
Truthfully, I have not yet started the countdown. Still have lots of time, or maybe not enough considering all the preparatory work I need to finish by April 1. By now I have done all my medical screening tests and I just need to see my family doctor on Monday to get her to fill out 3 pages full of craziness for my student visa application. I hope she doesn't mind... Then the RCMP background check is in order - FUN! I was so confused as to how many copies of each document I need to make. But fortunately my advisor was very helpful and she actually went over that with me. Phew!
I also phoned the Canadian Passport Office today and was told that my passport had just been mailed out to me. That means I should receive it perhaps by Wednesday next week. Maybe I will get everything done JUST before the deadline. But I will email my advisor at Ross University to check with her just in case I fail to beat the deadline.
However, (DORK ALERT!) the MOST exciting thing that happened today is that I registered for my courses in the first semester!!! Oh I can't wait to study like a mad man again. The sound of each syllable in all medical terminology is music to my ears... Here are what the courses are:
- Microscopic Anatomy
- Gross Anatomy
- Doctor, Patient, and Society
- Biochem and Genetics
- Medical Physiology
Now I just need to wait for the email to arrive asking for the tuition. Oh the money flow... Why can't med school be less expensive? Hehe. Okay I am going to get off this thing now. But here we are. I will be writing down all my thoughts and feelings, tears and laughters on here to share with everyone the true experience at Ross University School of Medicine.