Friday, March 20, 2009

40 More Days

Truthfully, I have not yet started the countdown. Still have lots of time, or maybe not enough considering all the preparatory work I need to finish by April 1. By now I have done all my medical screening tests and I just need to see my family doctor on Monday to get her to fill out 3 pages full of craziness for my student visa application. I hope she doesn't mind... Then the RCMP background check is in order - FUN! I was so confused as to how many copies of each document I need to make. But fortunately my advisor was very helpful and she actually went over that with me. Phew!

I also phoned the Canadian Passport Office today and was told that my passport had just been mailed out to me. That means I should receive it perhaps by Wednesday next week. Maybe I will get everything done JUST before the deadline. But I will email my advisor at Ross University to check with her just in case I fail to beat the deadline.

However, (DORK ALERT!) the MOST exciting thing that happened today is that I registered for my courses in the first semester!!! Oh I can't wait to study like a mad man again. The sound of each syllable in all medical terminology is music to my ears... Here are what the courses are:
- Microscopic Anatomy
- Gross Anatomy
- Doctor, Patient, and Society
- Biochem and Genetics
- Medical Physiology

Now I just need to wait for the email to arrive asking for the tuition. Oh the money flow... Why can't med school be less expensive? Hehe. Okay I am going to get off this thing now. But here we are. I will be writing down all my thoughts and feelings, tears and laughters on here to share with everyone the true experience at Ross University School of Medicine.


  1. LOL... your first term sounds fun.. hope you don't get sick of studying by the end of it!

    how much IS ur tuition anyhow?

  2. I like most of the courses - obviously you can guess which one I dislike, Jade. When I get the total amount of tuition that I need to pay, I will let you know!

    PS. You are so fast... like always.

  3. I miss you already.

    *touch* Haha.

  4. wow,dr.kwong,do you want to be a doctor in usa in the future?

  5. I love picking courses!


  6. And I am going to learn to navigate this thing and figure out whether you got your passport yet! :P BB

  7. Sounds like you need to get lots of paper work done before you go! And the courses are great, except genetics? ewww!


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