Saturday, March 28, 2009

RCMP - readily covered mini polyps

Finally I am only a few steps away from completing my student visa application. After a few visits at the police department, I finally got the holy stamp from one of their staff members. It was a rather interesting experience. The first time I went in to put in a request for a criminal record check was years ago, and it was for a volunteer position. But I for some reason do recall that they sealed the document in an envelope for me and had me pass that on to my supervisor. However, this time when I tried to get them to seal and stamp the original criminal record check papers, I was told that they only had 'RCMP envelopes' and did not normally seal documents or stamp envelopes for people who put in requests like mine. Really? I was pretty surprised. You would think that doing a criminal record check for school would be a common phenomenon? Maybe I am wrong. Anyway, I went back the next day with my own regular envelopes and asked them to stamp the seal. And, without too much trouble, they did.

So now I just need to wait for my doctor's appointment on Monday and get probed and pinched. Then ta-da! I am hoping to get everything mailed out by Tuesday next week. And that would be the end of my paperwork... for now. The rest of April would then be stress-free and dedicated to packing!

I am looking at my darling kitty Miho right now and he is napping. While I am gone I will be missing him so much. I will miss his unconditional love and attention, his company - in my lap or near my feet, his heart-melting meows, his clear big eyes, and his soft paws and fur. I hope time goes by fast and I can finish the roughest semesters quickly so Miho can be with me again. Before that time comes, he will be in the care of my parents. My mom is growing increasingly attached to Miho day by day. Yesterday she said she thinks about Miho when she is at work or on her way home! Everyday she worries about whether Miho has eaten enough. Oh I just love my mom!


  1. awwww! Miho's eyes are such a beautiful jade-green (xD~) in that picture!

  2. my god, miho, you are very cute. i love you.

  3. 'Jade' green only for you Jade ;)

  4. I was gonna say what Lex said.

    ...Lex is gonna miss some blue eyes too I hope!!! :P

  5. Your mom isn't going to be able to give up Miho when you can bring him to live with you!

  6. She already can't... There will be a fight over Miho in the future ;)


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