Friday, June 5, 2009

Black Friday?

It's 2115hr and I am studying in the library - a different concentration camp located on central campus. There are quite a few scattered around the area and they are ALWAYS filled with medical students. Let me emphasize - ALWAYS. Well, except for when they are closed, which is from 0600 to 0800hr - closed for only 2 hours, yes. We are insane like that. I ran into a friend today on campus who I haven't seen since school started. She said she stayed at the library till 6 this morning. That just doesn't work for me. Yes I have been sleeping 5 hours a night but I still sleep. In fact after studying for the entire day I MAKE myself go home at 2330hr the latest. This week has gone by really fast. Heck, the month has slipped by. I am slowly figuring out a not-so-bad way of studying, but I can't say whether that is a good way until after the exam. Two days away now.

The stress is so heavy in this university-town that I can almost feel it cling to my skin like the moisture lingering in the air. A lot of frustration, fear, anxiety, and doubts are tossed around from one scared medical student to another. But I am staying away from all the drama :) Or trying hard to stay away from that, anyway. Medical school has brought out a side of me that I never thought existed. What side? My anti-social side!! Haha. I have been studying by myself to avoid distractions and all my friends had been wondering whether I was still alive until I reassured them that I was just being nerdy. I ran into 4 friends today on campus. Had a quick chat with each and EVERY single one of them asked me whether I was 'ready'. Hm, it is interesting how that question seems to be kicked around and spread like a virus. I just shrugged and smiled. Will we ever be 'ready'? Maybe, maybe not. But does it it matter? Not so much. Just study hard.

Alright, this break has gone on longer than I planned for! Back to studying!


  1. it's quite intense. I'm glad that you still take the time to update ur blog. it's always good to read about your experience. best of luck with all the studying.

  2. hehe, two hours?? man. I would just live at the library (if I could skip showers)!

  3. Barb - I am still sane at this point :D But I can feel myself going nutty!!! It is a slow process but definitely happening haha

    Iran - I miss your face.

    Cam - Some people do live in the library! Hahaha. I sorta do as well... even got my favourite spot ;)


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