Another exam finished! We had our Anatomy practical today. If you are wondering at all what happens during an Anatomy practical, it is basically a lab exam involving cadavers. There were four rows of bodies in the lab (about 16) with maybe around 10 radiographs on computer screens. The exam was very organized and slightly funny :) Or... maybe it is just me. I often see humor in everything that crosses my path. What made it funny was its structure. So there were 4 rows of bodies and both sides were tagged on each body. Students would go in and move along the line in order of the rows, one person per body per unit time. Each question (ie. each station) was given 40sec for us to ponder and pick our answers. We were not allowed to touch the bodies or pull any tendons haha... it would have been fun if we could. When time was up there would be a chime (relatively pleasant sounding, fortunately) to signal us to move onto the next station. I think of industrial factories in this kind of situation - everything moves in an orderly manner in response to a bell! Anyhow, the exam went well - my feeling that is. This evening I will reward myself slightly and take a few hours off to eat peanut butter (not on its own) and relax. Tomorrow is time to tackle Embryology.
A mosquito is sucking out my blood from my leg at the moment. Should I kill it?

I ripped my favourite pair of shorts yesterday and it made me slightly sad. But I laughed soon after at the fact that I only have 2 pairs of shorts left... plus a pair of jeans that is too hot most of the time for the island life. Hm, will they last me till August? I hope so. I didn't really bring too many clothing items, and I am going to fix that problem when I go back home this August ;) But the fact that I don't have too many clothes forces me to do laundry every weekend. That is good I suppose - I never have a big pile of dirty laundry in my room.
ps. My scrubs smell like formaldehyde and body fat from the cadavers. I washed it already a couple of times but the smell won't come out, which is what happens... How fantastic! And, I learned a new song :) Feels so good to walk near the ocean and sing freely.
yummy.. formaldehyde..! try baking soda? or mebbe vinegar... but not both at once xP
ReplyDeletebtw what on earth is wrong with the right-most breast? the shape is all... wrong..
g'lucks w/ embryology! at least no more formaldehyde... right?
Wow! That exam sounded so fun!!!
ReplyDeleteI envy you :P
Histo/Embryo is just crazy. But once you sort things out it is not so bad.
ReplyDeleteThat breast on the right is just a different size/shape that's all, due to the amount of adipose tissue and genetics.