The cute little angel you are seeing in the photo there, with her legs and arms wrapped around me, is the niece of my laundry lady Joanna. Her name is Valgela. Every morning when I walk out of my apartment to head to school she is there with a big smile. It just makes my day to hear her say 'Alexis!' and watch her run to me to give me a big hug! :) I will miss her once I move out of this complex...
These past few days have been rough - trying to fight off a cold and a sudden onset of fever. The dreadful 'pandemic' has finally hit me... I was hoping to get lucky this term. Better luck next time I guess. Fortunately it was not a flu. I feel better today after being on drugs for a few days. My immune system had been teetering for a week or two ever since the first person started coughing out death on campus. I was doing my best to not let myself break... and that effort worked for 2 weeks. Oh well what are you gonna do? Fortunately my friend Lila took care of me and shared her Ibuprofen... otherwise I'd probably be a lot sicker for a longer period of time. Lila herself actually got sick 2 weeks before I did and that put her out of order for one whole week. But she is such an amazingly smart and mentally strong individual that missing a week of class did not phase her. She just picked up where she left off. I admire that so much! Anyway, so when I was sick she took care of me - bought me V8 and made me scrambled eggs. It had been so long since I last had home-made food! It was delicious. She apologized to me, thinking that she got me sick when I visited her during her sick days. Well, I don't know - maybe she did, maybe she didn't. I knew what I might be getting myself into when I made up my mind to go see her with some fruit juice concentrate (it was passion fruit.. mmm). What are friends for?
The meaning of friendship is taken to a new level here in Dominica, particularly for Ross students, in my opinion. This new level may be good or bad, depending on many factors. This medical school is isolated, unlike most medical schools in other parts of the world. We are pretty much stranded on an island far away from home with nothing much to do except study. Friendships can form very quickly but some are not real. Many students feel lonely or homesick being away from family and close friends, so the reflex is to find someone to lean on as soon as possible. I know that is generalized and not every student is like that but many are. And that is scary sometimes. Fotunately the friends I have made are pretty darn great in their own ways. The main lesson I learned here is: be yourself and associate yourself with people with a positive outlook.
My first exam is in 4 days - Anatomy practical. Then the next day is the Histology practical. Then 2 days later is Mini 3. Tonight I did a review session with my Canadian girl Allie. And it was amazing! We were so efficient that I was clearer than ever about pulmonary physiology than I initially was. Talking it out with someone does help when you are prepared! And of course you have to find the right type of study partner.
Countdown to VANCOUVER: 17 days!!! Alright it's already 2 hours past my bed time. I should go... Goodnight everyone!
Aw baby...sorry to hear that you are getting's not the H1N1 virus attacking the med students, is it?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, take care of yourself, first and foremost, and then of your studies! Good luck with everything and see you in...13!!!
Whatever virus is... it's wiped out a lot of people haahah but no one is dead yet! ;)