Monday, August 17, 2009


The campus closed down yesterday at 6pm because of the tropical storm warning, 2 days before the final exam. And they told us that it would re-open on the morning of the exam day. For students who always study on campus - that was a disaster. The next thing you know, everyone was rushing to shop and stock up on groceries like it was the end of the world. I thought about doing that for a second. Nah... didn't do it. Had my butt planted in the chair for a few more hours till the campus was closed. If the storm was gonna hit and all the stores were closed I would just run across the street to my friend's apartment to beg for food and shelter hahaha.

Tomorrow is my exam - 1pm. I can't wait to write it now. No I am not completely ready and no I don't know everything I should know. But my brain is exhausted. I could almost hear it protest against having more information funneling into it. Prayers are welcome! Today I took two big breaks and packed one suitcase. I was planning to move tomorrow but decided to do part of it today - because tomorrow I will be going OUT right after the exam and actually live a little. How exciting! Something to really look forward to.

I am at my friend Lila's place right now and she is out hunting for food :)
Last haul. Fingers crossed!

ps. I just found out that my webcam actually has those crazy ugly frames so I decided to get creative while I slack off! Excuse my tired look...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, be safe in the storm over there! It sounds intense..will you be safe on your island??

    Sounds like lots has been happening in the past week...finals and now the storm too! I hope you can make it back! ;_; I was just going to say that I have more time to skype now too, haha. Well regardless of whether your plane can come through or not, do you have time after your exams? :)


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