Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5 more days till Semester 2 begins!

This has been the longest no-blogging period for me. I spent a brief week at home (Vancouver) and spent some precious time with my lovely parents, my kitty, and my friends. It was good to be home, even though it was a short stay. However, I didn't get a chance to really relax during that week because there were so many things packed into my schedule - no regrets though, obviously! Vancouver will always be my favourite food source - mmm yum yum! The neverending plates of fruits and veggies, Sushi and Kimchi, Thai and Pho... you name it. Yes, perhaps I was a pig in my previous life.

The flights back to the island were really tedious - I had 3 to 4hr breaks between all my flights. Thank goodness my friends from Ross came to pick me up from the airport. Truthfully, part of me wanted to come back to Dominica. I love this island and its beauty. And I have made some amazing friends here. I felt like I was returning to my second home.

Second semester is coming up. I am quite excited about it. Study hard and there will be satisfactory results! Most of my friends made it to second semester. Some did not, unfortunately. The new incoming class has arrived, even bigger than our class - some are saying there are around 600 students. That is crazy because Ross is probably going to try to fail half of them... Buckle up because this ride is not going to be smooth!

There was a Welcoming BBQ for the first semesters today, and obviously I went. FREE FOOD - always welcome. The ocean view with sunset was gorgeous - I was so astounded by the nature that I went for my second plate of food! It was delicious - burger plus more! But I am getting tired now and will try to get back into my regular schedule - early night and early morning.

Promise to post pictures soon! :)


  1. So has the semester begun, or are there 5 more days of relaxation still to go??
    [refering to title versus body]

  2. Hey dahling! No, not yet. Classes start on Sept 7. But part of me wants it to start already, the other part of me says NO...


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