Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nature's Artwork

Finally I found time and energy to hook my out-of-battery camera to my laptop and upload the overdue photos I took on my flight back home. The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me and I have to share a few with y'all.

And of course, my baby Miho is also a nature's gift to me :)

'Don't know why there is no sun up in the sky' - as Natalie Cole sings. Stormy weather, it's been like this for the past few days. My landlord lady Sara calls it 'September weather'. Hurricane season is definitely here.I picked up my course packets today from the offices, surprised that they were open. Only Biochem and Physio were ready. I flipped throught the notes briefly. This semester will be interesting and I am quite excited about it. Just a few more days and the pace will quicken once again. Ran into some friends from last semester who just returned from their vacations - it was nice to see that most of the people I know are moving onto second semester.

This semester I am going to try to TA some courses, if it's possible. This way I can keep my mind and knowledge fresh at hand. We'll see. I talked to Cathy the coordinator and she said she'd get back to me about it. Hopefully it goes through and she gives me a green light to be a TA. Other than that I am just excited about the new semester, especially Gross Anatomy!!

Love and kisses to all my friends out there!


  1. omg those pics are beautiful!

    GOOD LUCK W/ UR TA-ing! ^^ Hope you get it

    It was GREAT seeing you when u were in Van~ ty for taking time out to see andrea & i!
    Enjoy the sunshine~

  2. It was nice to EAT with you again Jade! I totally bummed a meal off you. But no regrets on my part.... hahaha kidding, not really. I will enjoy the sunshine when I can see it - promise. Keep me updated on your progress!

  3. Good luck with the TA stuff! That'll help keep your memory fresh about earlier course material.

    Amazing pics, yes! Where were you flying over that you could take those??

  4. I was definitely flying across the States. But I can't remember where exactly...


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