Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st week over...

Finally eased back into a study mode after the exhausting break and first week of school. I was going to update a bit earlier but got sick 2 days ago with a fever yesterday. But I feel fine now. Blame the sickness on the cold cold days in Saginaw - the worse is to come? Haha oh boy...

Anyhow, last week after some neverending orientation lectures we started some real lectures. Ophthalmology and Geriatrics were the main focus. The lectures in 5th differ from those in the first few semesters in that now they are longer and can have one doctor lecturing for hours before switching to something else. Lectures may or may not be scheduled in different locations so we have to drive around between lectures sometimes. I am not complaining because my friends in Miami have it much worse - what takes us 15min may take them over 1hr in traffic. Plus, I get driven around by my lovely friends here in Saginaw :) No complaints!

We also scrubbed in for the first time on Thursday last week. I know those who are already doctors may think it's silly but I was excited about that. Even though it was just getting us accustomed to the strict procedures of cleaning a surgeon has to go through before entering the OR, I almost felt like a doctor. We had to scrub our hands/arms many times in a specific order, leave our hands up, enter the OR and dry our hands/arms in sequence, and then have someone gown us and glove us. It was pretty neat. Pretty sterile ;)

This coming week I will be starting my clinics with the real patients. I will for sure update on that. I'm eager to learn more and faster (if only I wasn't limited by my brain capacity)! For now, I'm gonna do some reading to prep for what's to come. Hang in there everyone! You are only getting closer to where you want to be!

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