Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Noise, may not be a bad thing

I adore the amazing photographs of thunderstorms. The pure beauty of nature. However since I could remember things I had always been scared of them. It's the noise, the power, the intimidation. While I was still on the island of Dominica there were many tropical thunderstorms. I have stayed awake at night during each one of those with my pillow around my head, unable to fall asleep, wishing it would stop right there right then. I would play my music as loud as I could, trying my best to drown out the thunder. However, my effort was always in vain.

Last night there was a thunderstorm here in Saginaw. I flinched at the first sight of lightning, grunted and cursed under my breath. Then the thunder came, somewhat gently, almost mockingly. My finger found the 'up' buttom for the volume and kept pressing it till my eardrum was tingly. I was listening to a piano solo by Andrew Ross called Diving In. A second lightning came through and my room lit up for a brief second, exposing every inch of darkness. The thunder rolled in quickly after, this time loud and powerful. I noticed that I did not cringe this time. And quite surprising, I was semi-enjoying it along with the piano solo bouncing around in my head. I pulled up some pictures of thunderstorms right then and caught myself being amazed once again by their majestic nature. The way they just take over.

Then another thunder rolled in.

Last night the thunderstorm lasted for no more than 30min. I stayed up again during the entire time, unable to sleep. But this time I wished it to be longer, because I was just starting to fall in love with its noise, its power, its intimdating nature. And of course, its grace.

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