Monday, January 3, 2011

Some things I learned today...

When you get bored, think of the following...

1. Next time someone has garlic breath, a fun thought is that they are suffering from Arsenic poisoning (stomach pain, vomiting, delirium). Antidote is Dimercaprol to remove Arsenic from inactivated enzymes.

2. Thiopental is used in induction of anesthesia due to its short-acting nature. It's rapid plasma decay is due to redistribution into skeletal muscle and fat, NOT due to metabolism (although hepatic metabolism is required for it to be eliminated from body).

3. If someone stinks after sweating, it's because his or her skin bacteria are doing a very good job (and perhaps he or she needs to shower soon). Apocrine glands secrete vesicles of 'sweat' into hair follicles. But this usually has no odor. Odor comes from bacterial activity on skin surface!

4. 'Water-balloon' testes are due to serous peritoneal fluid flowing into and collecting in tunica vaginalis.

5. If you poke someone's perianal area with a pin and do not see a reflexive sphincter contraction, they might have Saddle Anesthesia. This is often caused by Cauda equina syndrome where a ruptured disc or a space-occupying lesion compresses the cauda equina.

Back to studying!!


  1. I'm gonna poke my butt just to see...

  2. I hope you didn't harm yourself in the process, Cam. Also I received your email and will reply as soon as I get a chance. Cheers!


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