Friday, January 28, 2011

Still alive...

I feel like I disappeared for a little bit. But I'm back. There are 20 days left till my Step 1 exam. I hope I will feel ready by the time it comes - trying not to push it back based on my pre-exam anxiety.

Studying has been really slow. Some sections like Neurology takes SO LONG for me to absorb. I ended up not going to the library because I am too lazy to travel. So since day 1 I have been studying at home, and it has been working out great. Lots of things have happened since - the good, the bad, the fear, the excitement. But you know what? You just gotta roll with it. No one promised that it is going to be a smooth ride. As long as you focus on your goal and deal with the curveballs thrown at ya, a little bump here and there makes things more fun :)

I have some friends who had to retake the Comp recently. And I admire them so much for trying again! That is true courage, regardless of the results. Compared to them I feel like I could learn to be stronger sometimes. Getting through medical school is a tough job. It is an unpaid full-time job with lots of over-time, still unpaid. Some may say otherwise. But for a person like me - average intelligence, average endurance, addicted to sleeping - I find it challenging. Yet, these challenges are what I live for. I am ok with not being the top of my class. I am ok with the extra hours I have to put in just to get a decent grade. If someone asks me whether they should goto med school, I will still say yes - but I will suggest that they first find ways to reaffirm their passion.

Lately through talking to some friends from time to time, I realized that what makes or breaks you is (for the most part) decided by you. We have the upper hand in most situations but we don't always see that. Maybe that is when good friends come in handy as they become the reflection of your inner strength. Yes, you need to see it again. Over and over.

Keep on moving. Because we are all in this together.


  1. Best of luck for the Step 1......well i have just finished my 4 and half years of mbbs study.......just waiting for the results......

  2. Thanks! Good for you... wish I was done my 4 years too :) One step at a time right? Good luck to you friend!

  3. I have finished my years of studying just now but not USMLE and haven't planned yet for that

  4. "Getting through medical school is a tough job. It is an unpaid full-time job with lots of over-time, still unpaid." should be your facebook motto when you get back on it!

    I just also wanted to say that you are NOT an average person with average intelligence and average endurance. You are way above average darling. Just remember how many people don't even GET IN to Med-School! It may seem average when you are comparing yourself with other med-school students, but by comparing yourself with the whole population you are way above average in intelligence, determination, endurance, strength, self-control, time-management, sacrifice, compassion...


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