Thursday, October 29, 2009

If I could turn back time...

It's been crazy for the past 2 weeks (or more?). Actually, when is it NOT crazy here? Mini 2 is in 4 days and this one is hurting already... DPS is not on this Mini yet we have never had so much material to study for. Speaking of cramming, I wish I refined that skill to perfection in undergrad hahaha. Oh well. Three nights ago we had a thunder storm at around 1:00am. It was so loud that my house was shaking. The lightning would light up the room completely that for a second it felt like daylight. I was quite terrified by the loud noise, worsened by the fact that I was by myself without Miho to cuddle with me. To calm myself down I just got up and put on some jazz music and cranked it up loud enough to drown out some of the thundering. Then I studied till 5:00am and passed out. Yeah this week has been rough.

Yet, my heart always gets lifted by the rainbow after the storm. Dominica has some big bright rainbows. Here is a photo to share with y'all (taken through my dirty window), though it looked more beautiful and breathtaking in real life.

Two more students in my class went home this week and last. They decided that this path wasn't for them. I don't know about the details but this doesn't surprise me anymore. People come, people go. Medical school is not easy and certainly isn't for everyone. Confession: I have actually wondered this past week why oh why did I so eagerly get myself into this big mess hahaha. However, I am not doubting that medicine is what I wanna pursue. I just whine sometimes about how difficult it is... Despite all the challenges, late-night Monsters, and power naps, I still enjoy it - but it definitely is a love-hate relationship.

I have significantly cut down on my gym time for the last few weeks (once a week only!). Sigh... that I still need to work on. Balance balance balance. If only it is as easy as spelling out this 7-letter word. Ok back to studying... can't wait for my full 8-hr sleep on Monday night. Hope everyone is doing well :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chill pill?

I am looking for my chill pills. Perhaps I ran out? Right now they would come in handy when you are facing something like 40 diseases and what feels like 100 enzyme deficiencies to learn for ONE subject in the next 10 days. Oh biochemistry... What have I done to you that you must torture me like this?

Haven't posted for a while - simply couldn't find time. When I did have time I wanted to sleep because I have been so deprived of it haha... medical school... only for those who are crazy. Biochemistry actually is very interesting and I am liking every bit of it. We learned about disorders in Heme metabolism, Purine/Pyrimidine metabolism, and Amino Acid metabolism - a lot of manifestations that we see in those patients are starting to make sense to me! But then... I get sad when I look at the long list of diseases and their causes that I have to memorize... yeeeesh.

We also started renal physiology today. That wasn't bad either. But I must force myself to get off the computer and go study now... Will write more soon! Hope everyone is doing well :)

ps. That is my kitty Miho in the photo. Isn't he handsome?

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hirschsprung's disease is due to the lack of Auerbach's plexus in between the two muscle layers of muscularis externae in the bowel wall. It is also referred to as congenital megacolon. Some regions of the large intestine are permanently contracted due to the absence of relaxation signals from the parasympathetic ganglia, forming dilatations upstream of the contraction. This disrupts the normal pattern of peristalsis.

Anyhow, school has been going well. Very interesting material yet a LOT of work. I am slaving away everyday at the books but happily doing so. My Mini I went really well, to my surprise. I actually got better grades than I did in Semester I! Oh boy... of course I am not complaining. Just working away for the next exam this Friday.

My partner that was TA-ing with me officially quit. I told the students that I am willing to do TA sessions for them still if they need me - just need to send me an email in advance. Then earlier this week I received some emails in my inbox requesting for TA sessions. And that is scheduled for today in 2 hours. I really enjoy tutoring and I am so happy about all the positive feedback I have been getting from the students! That is what I wanted - not so much the positive feedback but the fact that I am helping them understand the course material and making their lives easier in med school. It is an amazing feeling that is hard to explain.

Anyhow I'd better get some of my own work done and then go wake myself up some more... Love to everyone! Enjoy life 'cause it is great from just about every angle.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The relief that follows.

Mini one is over. A friend made a very interesting comment today. He stated that he still does not understand why the school refers to the exams as Mini exams when they drain you inside out and cause you so much stress and exhaustion that Monster becomes your favourite beverage. The answer? No one knows. Perhaps these exams need another name.

To recap, last week I did go full speed studying for this Mini and it felt like I was studying for a final. Last night I went to bed at 10pm, making sure that I got enough sleep before walking into the exam hall. But before I closed my eyes I thought about how I still felt as if I didn't know a lot of material well enough. Wish there was more time... if only... if only. Oh well. My brain and my body were tired.

This morning I woke up at 0530am. Quickly reviewed some high yield points and ate breakfast. Making sure I stay calm and relaxed has always been my priority on the exam day, even the week before the exam. High anxiety level shuts down my system and I don't learn anything when that happens. This semester is a big challenge with the amount of information but if stress can be channeled elsewhere I think I should be alright.

The exam started at 0800am today. Quite early compared to last semester - always at 1300pm. Anyhow, the exam was mostly fair, but it was TRICKY. Oh my goodness was it ever! The basic concepts were taught to us but I was thrown off by the way many questions were stated, especially in Physiology and Neuroscience. Most of the questions required backward thinking - aka. diagnosing. And that is a completely new way of thinking for me in terms of academics. I have always been learning the forward way, which is how we were taught. Even the practice questions were not entirely 'backward'. I feel that this exam is a hit or miss. Gotta wait for the grades to come out now. In the mean time I am gonna catch up on some Anatomy that I did not get to really study for this mini - just to make sure I do really well on the practical exam in 2 weeks! No big breaks. Always moving forward :)

This week we'll learn about the GI system. Looking forward to it!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Brains cut sideways.

I am giving myself 5 mins to write something on this blog before my mind gets filled with cranial nerves and steroid hormones again. The library is full with students - everyone's faces are hidden behind either laptops or stacks of papers. Finally I have calmed down after an hour of gym time this morning. Up till last nite the stress had taken over my mind and body and I could not get rid of the anxiety I was feeling every second. So much to do, so little time. But the workout this morning had helped. I am not exactly relaxed but I am no longer anxious. Tonite I am going to try to finish up Neuro as we have a practical exam tomorrow. Then after the practical I will go full-speed for the Mini exam on Monday! I will just do my best... and try not think about how much I have to learn in the next 3 days. Sometimes I think those who attend medical schools are truly crazy. And of course, I am one of them. Gotta get back to studying now. Will update everyone after my exams! :)

ps. You can always tell from my pictures whether exams are approaching! Awesome...

tardive dyskinesia

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