Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Living amongst tubes and sutures..

Had a rough day yesterday working in the hospital. Sometimes certain situations and certain people make me feel like I'll never be good enough no matter how hard I work. I had been trying not to let these things bother me but I guess my defense finally had a hole punched in it... No worries though. Today I have already picked myself back up and got on with my life :) There is no use dwelling on unpleasant memories. Accept the fact that for some people you will never be good enough. Just do your best and you'll be at peace with yourself and the rest of the world.

Onto the cool stuff... I finally got to insert a Foley catheter and did it pretty quickly without any floundering. Honestly I was pretty proud of that. Now I just want to do more Foley's in the OR!!! Also saw an open tracheostomy done the other day. It was a pretty quick procedure but requires a LOT of attention to details, especially with the thyroid sitting in the way. I got pretty excited when my resident cut into the trachea and the air rushed out hissing... I know... I am a dork and a nerd hahahah :) Tomorrow we will be doing quite a few EGDs (esophagogastroduodenoscopies). That should be exciting since they'll be my first cases! Lots to learn. My brain is on a persistent high these days... along with stress. What a rush!

Carry on my friends! Show the rest of the world (especially those who don't believe in you) that you CAN!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I See You

What I really mean is... ICU. That's the spot in the hospital that I have been visiting a lot. A completely different ball game compared to regular inpatients on the floors. I still find it a little overwhelming when I start on a new ICU patient every time. Most of the time they will have an extremely long and complicated medical history with multiple hospital visits. And they will mostly likely have multiple tubes entering and exiting their bodies that I need to be following. The vitals, I/O, fluids, and wound care. I'm still learning...

At least it has been really sunny here and today I have half a day off. And tomorrow I don't have to wake up at 4am! That thought alone always brings me joy these days hehe :) Still a never-ending amount of reading but all of it is actually very interesting. A lot of information but hopefully it will all stick at some point. Oh surgery...

Mother's day is TOMORROW everyone! Don't forget to send your mom some hugs and love :) They are the best and totally deserve it. Love you mom!! Wish I could be there with you... Enjoy the weekend!

tardive dyskinesia

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