Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Finally I get to take a breather mentally and physically. Time to look back and try to remember what on earth happened in the past week! Surgery rotation has been tough. You can say it's intense, scary, exhausting, whatever terrifying adjectives you can think of - they all apply here. Having it as the first rotation ever also makes it just a little bit harder.

However, I am still alive.

Sleep is overrated. At least I have to keep telling myself that. Being on the hospital floors 12hr a day on average gets crazy after a while. You are always on the go. When your pager goes off, you'd better get your butt to where you are needed stat. The surgeries are fun but can be 'labour intensive'. When I scrubbed in for 4 surgeries in a row on day 1 and 3 in a row today, my legs nearly gave! Need iron legs if your goal is to become a surgeon. So far I have gotten to assist in surgeries and have had a few opportunities to suture. Also got a chance to being on the trauma floor with my resident when I was oncall.

Yes, I am sleep-deprived. Yes, I need to buy groceries. Yes, I need to read lots and lots of pages before I sleep tonite... :) Yes, I am a crazy medical student.

1 comment:

  1. Why do you need iron legs for scrubbing?? Are people's legs that dirty?

    Just joking! Did you get it? :P

    You are a crazy medical student! Rock it~ ^_^v


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